About Us

Make investing simple and rewarding for everyone.

No corporate buzzwords and claims to change the world. We are just a humble start-up with these simple goals.

We are an organization that’s truly Indian and we are inspired by our rich Indian values. So, here is our commitment to you.

We believe that the greatness of a product is determined by the number of lives it touches. This is exactly what we live by at Finology. A bold fintech startup, we strive for disrupting traditional investing by making it affordable & accessible to everyone while simultaneously putting the brakes on standard financial advice and respecting everyone's individuality. With our revolutionary platform Finology One, we aim to take India into the modern age of investing & finance, where financial planning will be as easy as opening a social media account!

Cutting-Edge Tech

Technology is at the core of our business operations. This ensures that our clients get the convenience that they deserve while we stay ahead of time.

Outstanding Team

Right talent makes a good company great. We do not hire employees but talented individuals who maintain the team spirit while excelling at their roles.

Real Transparency

We are thoroughly unbiased and transparent.We are strictly against commission backed advices and recommendations.Your benefit is all that matters to us.